PCUP hails plan of gov't to expand housing investment

PIA Press Release

Davao City (28 August) -- The Presidential Commission for the Urban Poor (PCUP) hailed government's plan to expand public housing services for the informal settlers outside Metro Manila to improve the living conditions in communities of the urban poor.

PCUP Mindanao Commissioner Luchie Salcedo said President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo plans to invest more than P1.7 billion in housing services for the urban poor through one of its primary financial institutions to boost the President's social reform program.

Commissioner Salcedo said their Secretary, Domingo Panganiban announced that the expansion of public housing services for the urban poor is for the period 2004-2010 through the Development of Poor Urban Communities Sector project of the Development Bank of the Philippines.

The DBP project was designed to improve the living conditions in communities of the urban poor by providing financial assistant to qualified institutions and urban poor communities for site development, home improvement, livelihood endeavors and shelter finance services for the poor urban households.

It was learned that DBP has released some P46.4-million to micro-finance institutions and the local government units (LGUs) between September 2007 and January 2008 alone under the project.

Qualified local government units (LGUs), micro-finance institutions, cooperatives and NGOs aiming to provide housing services for the urban poor through this project need only to submit a letter of intent to DBP to avail of financial assistance under said project of the President. (PIA)
