Tanauan town inaugurates new "people friendly" municipal hall

PIA Press Release

Tacloban City (August 2) -- The local government of Tanauan, Leyte is all set for the inauguration and blessing of its new municipal hall on August 8, 2008, Mayor Roque Tiu informed.

The P17 Million two-story edifice has been planned and built with the comfort and the welfare of the townspeople and the employees in mind, Mayor Tiu revealed saying that the municipal hall is indeed, people-friendly.

Mayor Tiu explained that the offices were arranged in such a way that the departments which are most often visited and needed by the people were placed in the ground floor. Thus, the Office of the Mayor could still be found in the first floor, Mayor Tiu said. Hopefully, this Hall will be a tangible manifestation of a government that is responsive to the needs of its people and one that allows participatory governance, Mayor Tiu added.

Living its distinction of being a business-friendly municipality, Mayor Tiu saw to it that the related departments are near its other so that people making business can just sit down in the comfortable chairs strategically arranged in the middle of the building.

While waiting for their transactions to be finished and while waiting for their turn to be attended to, a mini stage cum screen is located in the middle of the wall facing the main door, so they can watch a video about the local government and learn what is going on in the municipality. Also, pipe-in music has been installed at strategic areas of the building.

Since all the offices have been built along the sides of the building, the middle portion of the building serves as a big sala for the visitors, Mayor Tiu said. This is one way of making the people feel at home. The municipal hall after all was built to be of better service to them, the Mayor added. Comfort facilities have been built in various strategic places of the Hall for the visitors to use, Mayor Tiu said.

In order to make the Municipal Hall more conducive to working and giving service to the people, Mayor Tiu saw to it that the whole building is provided with air-conditioning units. In preparation, the employees have already designed their uniforms with blazers to make them not only appear more professional but more comfortable.

Mayor Tiu informed that the new Municipal Hall was built with the support of Leyte Provincial Government thru Governor Carlos Jericho Petilla, the National Government thru the funds of then Congresswoman of the First District of Leyte, Hon. Remedios L. Petilla and the taxpayers of the municipality because a big portion of the funding came from the savings of the local government unit.

Mayor Tiu disclosed that aside from Governor Icot Petilla and PAGCOR Vice President Remedios L. Petilla, the local government officials and employees, the Regional Directors and media friends, the people from the various barangays have also been invited to the inauguration of the Municipal Hall because the Hall is really dedicated and intended for them.

The Municipal Officials will come and go, Mayor Tiu said, but the people will always be there, needing the services of the Municipal Government every now and then. (PIA 8)
