Call centers still top local employers

Thursday, September 25, 2008 [ ]
By Jane Cadalig

BUSINESS process outsourcing (BPO), or call centers and similar businesses, remain the top local job providers.

Department of Labor and Employment (Dole) Regional Director Ana Dione said call center jobs remain the top-ranking employment opportunity in the region.

Dione said the demand for call center agents or customer service representatives remain high in Baguio and now Benguet because the existing BPO firms are expanding their operations.

The Dole estimates the number of call center agents in Baguio and La Trinidad to be at 3,000 to 3,500.

Dione said Dole is eyeing the set-up of a tripartite industry council for call centers to ensure workers' rights and benefits as provided for by law are well implemented.

"We want to protect the rights of the call center workers, especially since the employees work during night time," Dione said.

The Dole also initiated the provision of shuttle services for call center employees, as means of ensuring the protection of the workers. Next to call centers, the demand for accountants and teachers or tutors is also high in the region.
