New roofing standards to ensure safety

Vol. XXII, No. 35-A [ BusinessWorld Online ]
Saturday, September 13, 2008 | MANILA, PHILIPPINES

The new thickness standards for roofing materials will lessen recurring damages typhoons cause to buildings, an industry group said yesterday.

In a statement, the Federation of Philippine Industries (FPI), Inc. said the Bureau of Product Standards is consulting manufacturers and consumers to craft a benchmark for roofing materials.

The bureau has a new technical committee to develop standards for flat steel products, which include roofing sheets. The committee is reviewing standards published in 1986 and 1987 and may adopt the International Standardization Organization’s more recent benchmarks.

The FPI, meanwhile, has recommended that the minimum standard thickness of steel sheets should be 0.22 millimeters.

FPI President Jesus L. Arranza said a mandatory thickness standard for roofing sheets is necessary due to frequent typhoons that hit the country every year.

"In the absence of standards, millions of consumers take recourse to buying ultrathin roofing materials which get destroyed in typhoons," Mr. Arranza said in a statement.

The enforcement of the thickness standards, he explained, will require manufacturers or importers to acquire state certification before selling or distributing roofing materials.

The statement quoted Global Steel Philippines, a major manufacturer of base metal for roofing sheets, as saying that the firm also supported the ongoing review of standards. — Jessica Anne D. Hermosa
