Tourism dep't bats for more twinning pacts

Friday, September 05, 2008 [ ]

SIGNING sisterhood ties with various local government units (LGUs) is a mutual way of promoting various local governments that the Department of Tourism (DOT) is encouraging the city of Baguio or other LGUs to do.

With tourists demanding to see more sites other than those they have already seen in one locality, Tourism Regional Director Purificacion Molintas said sisterhood ties enhance the tourism potential of twin LGUs through the improvement of marketing strategies.

"Sisterhood or twinning encourages people to move around," Molintas said, adding sisterhood also aims at coming up with a diversification of product offerings. "Tourists always want something new."

"In the case of Alaminos and Baguio, the former has the sea while the latter has the mountains," Molintas said referring to the recently signed sisterhood pact between the two LGUs.

Prior to Alaminos, the City Government also signed a sisterhood agreement with Lucena City in Quezon. Sisterhood contributes to the economy of two LGUs, Molintas added. (RO)
