Anchor Land gets slot in Forbes’ under $1B ranking

10/16/2008 [ ]

Listed property developer Anchor Land Holdings Inc. made it to this year’s 200 Best Under a Billion list of the prestigious Forbes Asia magazine, an annual compilation of the best companies in the Asia-Pacific with under $1 billion in sales, underscoring the company’s solid reputation for innovation and groundbreaking projects.

Anchor Land is one of only two Philippine companies in the exclusive list, which appeared in Forbes Asia’s Sept. 29, 2008 issue. The 200 winners were culled from over 24,000 publicly listed outfits from 15 countries, including Australia, New Zealand, Japan, China, India and Hong Kong.

Anchor Land chairman Stephen Lee said making it to the annual list is a tremendous vote of confidence for the company and brings enormous pride to the Philippines as well.

“It is not everyday that a respected business magazine like Forbes Asia comes up with such accolade. We are truly humbled, and at the same time greatly challenged by the tremendous pressure that comes with such recognition,” he said.
