Probe on Pitogo eco-tourism project pushed

Friday, March 13, 2009 [ ]

FISHERFOLKS of Barangay Cayhagan in Sipalay City are appealing for a "deeper probe" on the Eden Island Resort controversy involving the multi-million project of developing Pitogo Island, said a fact-finding committee (FFC).

The 14-man FFC team held an immersion in Cayhagan last February 27 and investigated the clamors of residents from various coastal communities surrounding the Eden Island Resort and Spa (Pitogo Island) being developed by Dream Makers Realty and Consultancy Incorporated.

"The coastal residents [are] urging the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and other national agencies as well as the provincial government of Negros Occidental to conduct a much deeper investigation on the alleged wanton destruction of the marine and coastal resources in the community," said Jun-Jun Barreta Jr., spokesperson of Negros Labor Center (NLC).

Barreta added that as per their findings, the main issue was the destruction of the source of livelihood of the fisher folks and the continued disregard by the developer of the laws that protect the rich marine resources.

He added the fisher folks claimed that the purchase of the island, by Dream Makers Realty and Consultancy of Mrs. Ma. Soccoro Ramona Jeanette Tonggoy from one Baby Gonzaga more than seven years ago, "was the start of the agony" of the fisher folks and the shell gatherers.

Francisco Atay, president of the Katilingban sang Mangingisda kag Mangunguma sa Cayhagan (Kasama-CA), told the FFC team that they oppose the methods of the developer in changing the natural topography of the island long before sugar planters and Negros Sea Rescue and Ecological Foundation president Manuel Lamata entered the picture.

"Small fishing boats that venture near the island are being driven away by armed security personnel that result to fewer catches for small fishermen," he added.

The team said more than 200 families have been affected by the development project in Cayhagan alone.

Other affected residents are from Barangay Talacagay in Hinoba-an, involving 300 households who heavily rely on fishing and fish drying as the major source of livelihood, the FFC team said.

Seasonal fish workers or farmers in neighboring barangays who offer services for small and medium fishermen in exchange for a share in the day's catch or dried fish were also affected, Barreta said.

The FFC team also said 14 patients of food poisoning - eight from Cayhagan and six from Talacagay - were reported confined in nearby Hinobaan District Hospital.

The victims complained after eating lokot-lokot (sea weed), which they harvested near the shallow waters of Pitogo Island.

Respondents in the FFC probe were councilor Jose Angayo of Cayhagan, Francisco Atay, chairman Kasama-CA; Galo Cana, vice chairman of Kasama-CA; Vilma Magdadaro, housewife; Emie Mahusay, a member of Kasama-CA; shell craft makers, shell gatherer Constancia delos Reyes, Mercedes Eliseo, ad hoc chairperson of small fishermen and Helen Sabanal and husband Apolinario Sabanal, seasonal fish workers.

Members of the FFC were composed of Mario Tapi-on, chairman of the Tingug sang Gutom-Negros; Guillermo Barretta, spokesman Negros Labor Center; Jessie Arcillas, Negros Labor Center; Bryan Baylon, spokesperson of Whistleblowers Association for Reforms and Responsible Nationalist Transformation (Warrant); Leslie Garcia of the Christian Advocates for Justice and Development in Negros and Diego Malacad of the Urban Poor.

Meanwhile, Tonggoy, owner-developer of Eden Island Resort, last month executed an affidavit for libel charges against her so-called "instigators" before the City Prosecutor's Office.

"I am filing charges of libel, slander or defamation against my instigators before the proper court. I believe justice will resolve the conflict that has put my name, my family and my business in bad faith," she said.

The same charges were filed by Peter Marek Zmijewski, 34, an Australian national and close family friend of Tonggoy, who owns at least 50 companies with a base in Australia.

He alleged that Tonggoy's 'instigators' "slandered me... dragging my name with [that of] Tonggoys."

Lamata earlier claimed "wanton damages to corals and mangroves" reportedly due to the construction of power posts by Tonggoy's contractor.

But a coastal survey made by the City Environment and Natural Resource Office (Cenro) of Sipalay debunked Lamata's claim. (George M. de la Cruz)
