Baguio Water District assures safety of water in city

Thursday, May 28, 2009 [ ]

BAGUIO CITY: The Baguio Water District (BWD) reported Wednesday that its well chamber in Claro M. Recto, that was drained by overflowing sewer, has been cleaned after 386 persons suffered diarrhea due to reported water contamination.

BWD General Manager Teresita de Guzman informed city officials through acting city Mayor Daniel FariƱas, that the BWD personnel immediately flashed out and applied double-dosage of chlorine to the water well chamber.

Dr. Donnabelle Tubera of the Baguio Health Department said in a telephone interview Wednesday, that individuals who suffered diarrhea were from the Navy Base, St. Joseph, Teachers Camp, Imelda Village, M. Roxas and parts of Brookside and East Modern Site.

Tubera said that at least 14 persons were admitted in the hospitals due to diarrhea and were declared safe.

De Guzman explained that even if the water contamination was not the fault of BWD, personnel from the public utility firm exerted efforts to discharge water from the well while they also injected water from other sources to ensure that the affected well chamber was cleaned.

De Guzman reported Tuesday that laboratory tests conducted by BWD showed that water coming from the previously drained well chamber is safe, but they still requested the BHD to conduct a separate laboratory test.

Tubera said that BHD got water samples on Wednesday but she said it would be better if they can get water samples from the faucets of the consumers. As the incident happened, concerned city offices were requested to inspect and conduct remedial measures to repair faulty sewer lines.

-- Harley F. Palangchao
