Loakan still closed to 'cure' cement

Thursday, June 11, 2009

By Rimaliza Opiña

LOAKAN Road will remain closed to vehicular traffic.

This was the correction issued by Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) about an earlier announcement that one lane of Loakan Road was opened for light vehicles.

DPWH information officer Nora delos Santos said engineers of their agency and the contractor indeed thought of opening the road for light vehicles this week but decided in the end this could not be done yet as allowing even light vehicles to pass might affect cement's "curing."

"We're forcing it, but I don't think we'll make it," delos Santos said. Even the mayor's plans of asking the DPWH to allow entry of heavier vehicles next week might not be possible, she added.

Delos Santos said to ensure longevity of concrete, the prescribed curing period of 14 to 21 days has to be followed.

She said official advisories will be issued when the road is opened.

Meantime, to ensure smoother traffic flow at Kennon Road, delos Santos said the DPWH has now restricted the entry of six-wheeler trucks.

It is only during nighttime or from 6 p.m. onwards when these types of vehicles are allowed to pass through the road.

Construction of Kennon Road, meanwhile, would take around a month to finish.
