Smoking now punishable in Tuba

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

By Jane Cadalig

TO PROTECT public health, the local government of Tuba now penalizes individuals, establishments, and public transportation that fail to recognize a person’s right to clean air.

The local government recently passed an ordinance banning smoking inside public utility vehicles, including government-owned cars and individuals from smoking in places considered as public areas in recognition to the public’s right to a healthy environment.

“It is important to instill in the mind of the people of Tuba that smoking does not only harm the smoker but also the (on-smokers),” officials stated in an ordinance.

Establishments, which fail to designate smoking areas in their businesses, are also liable for penalties that range from a fine of P500 to cancellation of business permits.

Under the town’s anti-smoking ordinance, establishment owners who allow or tolerate smoking in places which are not designated as smoking zones are liable to the penalties.

Smoking has been regarded as one of the leading causes of death.

Worldwide, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates tobacco kills more than five million people, and projects that by year 2030, it would kill more than eight million people a year.

In the Philippines, the tobacco industry is regarded as one of the top tax payers with an average of P25.3 billion to P26 billion a year in tax revenues, based on the 2000 to 2002 data of the National Tobacco Administration.
