Atienza heads La Mesa watershed council

Updated July 30, 2009 12:00 AM [ ]

MANILA, Philippines - Environment and Natural Resources Secretary Lito Atienza will head the highest policy-making and oversight body for the protection and management of the La Mesa watershed which was declared as a “watershed reservation” by President Arroyo in 2007 through Presidential Proclamation No. 1336.

Atienza announced the creation of the La Mesa Watershed Multi-Sectoral Management Council (LMWMMC) following the issuance of the DENR-MWSS Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2009-01 last July 21, 2009, which include Quezon City Mayor Feliciano Belmonte Jr. as a member of the body and a representative from a non-government organization.

“The formation of the body is an important step in the process of addressing the current conditions in the area to conserve its water sources,” explained Atienza, noting that a study made earlier found the area facing the risk of ecological and recreational-use losses, including cultural losses, if restoration activities and policies that respond to the area’s current and potential conditions are not set in place.

As per Proclamation No. 1336, the DENR and the MWSS have joint administrative jurisdiction over the protection and management of the 2,700-hectare La Mesa watershed reservation, which acts as a holding reservoir for water from upstream watershed areas in Umiray in Quezon, and Angat and Ipo in Bulacan. It supplies most of Metro Manila’s water needs.
