629 farmers get 314 hectares

August 04, 2009 04:31 PM Tuesday [ journal.com.ph ]

By: Joel dela Torre

THE Department of Agrarian Reform distributed 314.5 hectares of agricutural land to 629 farmer-beneficiaries in Occidental Mindoro.

Secretary Nasser Pangandaman said the awarding of the farmlands was the first this year. Congress, in a joint resolution in December last year, temporarily extended the CARP up to June 30 pending the passage of the CARP extension law.

The compulsory acquisition was carried out 23 days before President Macapagal-Arroyo formally signs on Aug. 7 the new CARP extension law.

The DAR chief said the awarding of the property in Barangay Bubog, San Jose town, owned by Marken Corp., took six days to complete. Each beneficiary was awarded one-and-a-half hectares of land.
