National Grid starts construction of P1.19-billion transmission project

By Donnabelle L. Gatdula (The Philippine Star) Updated September 11, 2009 12:00 AM

MANILA, Philippines - The National Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) has started the construction of its P1.189-billion transmission project in Samar in Eastern Visayas.

NGCP president and CEO Walter Brown said the Wright-Calbayog 138-kilovolt (kv) project is expected to be completed in March 2011.

He said the project is expected to enhance the reliability and quality of electric power by extending the 138-kv backbone transmission system to the northern part of Samar Island.

Electric power in Northern Samar is presently transmitted through the 69-kv line supported by wood poles which are susceptible to tripping, causing outages and frequent electric power service interruptions.

Aside from upgrading the line, NGCP will also expand the Wright substation and install improvements on transformers as well as protection and communication equipment. A new substation will also be constructed in Calbayog.

Upon the completion of the project, the power customers in Northern Samar and nearby localities would be the direct beneficiaries of the stronger transmission network.

The NGCP official said maintaining the stability, reliability and efficiency of transmission of power in the Visayas Ggrid remains as its priority.

“NGCP hopes that the project would jumpstart economic progress in the area which has been hampered through the years, primarily by the underdeveloped basic infrastructures including reliable electric power service,” he said.

This project, Brown said, is also implemented as part of NGCP’s commitment to the technical provisions of the Philippine Grid Code.

The transmission line component of the project was awarded to Xian Electric of China on Aug. 7, 2009 after an open and public bidding. The substation component, on the other hand, was awarded to ABB Philippines on Aug. 17, 2009 after a similar public bidding.

NGCP has already acquired the right-of-way (ROW) on 97 percent of the identified tower sites.

Since Jan. 15 this year, the privately-owned NGCP has been the official holder of the franchise to operate and maintain the country’s power transmission grid, formerly the domain of the government-owned and controlled National Transmission Corporation (TransCo).
