Land titling rules rushed

Posted on 09:12 PM, March 30, 2010 [ BusinessWorld Online ]

THE DEPARTMENT of Environment and Natural Resources targets to issue by next week the guidelines for a recently signed law that makes it easier for those living on untitled lands to apply for residential titles.

Environment Secretary Horacio C. Ramos said in a briefing yesterday that he has directed the Land Management Bureau to rush the drafting of the implementing rules and regulations (IRR) of Republic Act No. 10023, or An Act Authorizing the Issuance of Free Patents to Residential Lands. "Hopefully, it [the IRR] will be completed by first week of May so that our field offices can start the processing and issuance of free patents covering residential lots," Mr. Ramos said.

The law, signed by President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo last March 9, states that Filipinos who live on untitled residential lands for at least 10 successive years -- down from the previous requirement of 30 years -- may apply for titles. Only alienable, disposable land -- not those owned by private individuals -- are covered. -- KJRL
