Massive check of old buildings in Caloocan ordered

03/13/2010 [ ]

The Caloocan City government has ordered an immediate and massive inspection of all buildings and other similar structures in a determined bid to prepare the city and its residents for possible earthquake.

In a directive to local building officials, Mayor Enrico “Recom” Echiverri said he is more concerned about old and dilapidated buildings that are still being occupied in spite of the danger they pose to the occupants.

All buildings, particularly those 20 years old or more, should be checked for their structural integrity to find out if they can withstand strong tremors, Echiverri said.

The city government initiated this precautionary move following the series of earthquakes that rocked different countries recently causing tremendous losses to life and property.

“It is important to prepare ourselves from disaster because we can never predict ‘Mother Nature’s’ wrath. With this, I enjoin residents of the city to always respect and care for Mother Nature,” the mayor said.

Earlier, the city government had conducted earthquake and fire drills in schools and different occupied edifices to teach people exactly what to do during these eventualities.

If some buildings are found to be dilapidated or too risky to be occupied, concerned authorities will not hesitate to demolish them or have them refurbished so that these structures would not crumble and harm people in case of an earthquake.

The mayor said he would personally oversee the inspections so that no building would be skipped by the city building officials.

Echiverri consequently asked building owners in the city to cooperate with authorities to ensure proper conduct of inspections of their establishments.

“It is the goal of the local government to ensure the safety of the citizens, that’s why the cooperation of these building owners is paramount in guaranteeing that no resident would be harmed in case of an earthquake,” he said. Arlie O. Calalo
