NGCP seeks court approval to expropriate Bataan land

Posted on July 25, 2011 11:12:07 PM [ BusinessWorld Online ]

THE NATIONAL Grid Corporation of the Philippines (NGCP) is seeking court approval to expropriate land in Bataan to make way for new transmission lines there, a notice released yesterday showed.
NGCP petitioned the Regional Trial Court of Mariveles, Bataan, to allow it to expropriate land belonging to an Esperanza Sempio to build the Mariveles-Limay 230-kilovolt transmission line project.

The company said it is “willing and able to pay the defendant [Sempio] the total amount of P206.1 million representing the just compensation for the subject property that will be affected by the construction of the said transmission line.”

The land NGCP wants to expropriate is around 4,504 square meters.

NGCP said the petition is necessary “due to increasing demand of electricity” which requires an “upgrade and/or construction of a transmission system that will suit the present and future power requirements in the provinces of Zambales and Bataan.”

The NGCP took over operations of the national electricity grid from the state-run National Transmission Co. in 2008. -- Emilia Narni J. David