QC gov't plans to build car park building

Monday 6th of February 2012
[ PIA ]

QUEZON CITY, February 6 (PIA) -- The Quezon City Government is planning to construct a multi-level car park building to ease traffic congestion die to limited parking spaces within the city hall premises.

In a resolution, the city council has urged Mayor Herbert Bautista to allocate a certain parcel of land within the QC hall compound consisting of 4,000 square meters, preferably along East Avenue, to address the insufficient parking space within the complex.

Resolution 5370, which was authored by 3rd District Councilor Gian Carlo Sotto, aims to provide adequate parking space at QC Hall to accommodate the big number taxpayers and city residents who come for periodic transactions, especially during renewal of business permits, payment of business and real property taxes, including those who go to the city’s Hall of Justice.

According to Sotto, attending to the problem of limited parking space is most appropriate as a reward to the tax-paying public for their continuing support to the city government’s various programs to fast track economic growth.

“It is high time for the city government to build the proposed building as part of efforts to improve the delivery of basic services to the people and provide them comfort as they deal business with us,” the councilor said.

The city council, through the measure, also has authorized Mayor Bautista to enter into a Build-Operate Transfer scheme with a reputable private firm, or to allocate the necessary funds from his special projects funds, for the construction of the multi-level car park building. (RJB/AKG-PIA-NCR/QC-PIO)