Southwoods shareholders score ‘legal victories’ to reform club

By Manila Standard Today | Posted on Dec. 06, 2012 at 12:00am
A group of shareholders in the exclusive Manila Southwoods Golf and Country Club Inc. claimed they scored back-to-back victories in their struggle to institute reforms, and turn around the club’s finances from years of steady losses due to mismanagement.
The concerned shareholders, calling themselves the Reform group, considered as “legal victories” a temporary restraining order issued by Judge Fernando Felicen of the Imus, Cavite regional trial court as well as a decision by Imus RTC Executive Judge Norberto Quisumbing to inhibit himself from further hearing the Southwoods case.
The reformists viewed the two developments as a sign they would get a fair share in the hearings of the case filed against the incumbent board of directors of Southwoods believed to be controlled by their chairman Bob Sobrepeña.
The TRO, granted upon a motion by the reformists, prevented the club from holding its stockholders’ meeting on Aug. 29 meant to tackle business matters and elect its new set of directors of the board.
Sobrepeña reportedly cited the TRO as an alibi for not pushing through with the meeting since the court order enjoined the club from holding an election and implementing its year-ago electoral code that the board had approved.
The reformists maintained, however, that the TRO did not prevent the club from discussing business matters, adding that the order covered only the election and the implementation of the new electoral code.
“What the chairman failed to say was that there was no quorum to proceed with the meeting,” Southwoods director Jimmy Gosiaco said.
“The meeting did not push through because the validated proxies and the list of attendees would not have met the quorum requirement of the meeting,” he said.