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High-level talks on land reform law set

Vol. XXII, No. 154 [ BusinessWorld Online ]

Monday, March 9, 2009 | MANILA, PHILIPPINES

PRESIDENT Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo is meeting Senate President Juan Ponce Enrile and Speaker Prospero C. Nograles within the week to discuss how to extend and effectively give more teeth to a new Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP).

The dialogue is largely aimed at discussing how to reinstall provisions on compulsory acquisition of agricultural lands from landlords and allowing farmers to use their land as collateral, Press Secretary Cerge M. Remonde said.

A joint congressional resolution extending CARP to end-June effectively lapsed into law on Jan. 23 after Mrs. Arroyo chose not to sign it. Congress approved the resolution in lieu of a new agrarian reform program.

The President, Mr. Remonde said, wants Congress to expedite the crafting of a modified agrarian reform law before June.

"President Arroyo has made it very clear that the law extending CARP for six months was just a stopgap measure. What she wants is for Congress to pass a stronger law that will allow farmers not only to own their land but to use their land as well as collateral," the Palace official said.

Asked to comment, Mr. Nograles said the only contentious issue is "whether to continue the compulsory coverage or just retain the voluntary coverage for the next five years."

Manila Archbishop Gaudencio Cardinal B. Rosales and Cebu Archbishop Ricardo Cardinal J. Vidal met with Mrs. Arroyo last Friday to seek her support on the matter.

Mr. Remonde described the meeting as "very cordial," with the President expressing full support to have the program extended.

Presidential Adviser for Political Affairs Gabriel S. Claudio earlier said the extension was a temporary measure and that a new CARP law would still be pursued.


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