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Banana exporters eye 10T-hectare expansion

Monday, August 3, 2009

By Carlo P. Mallo

BANANA growers and exporters are now eyeing an expansion of 10,000 hectares in the next five years after President Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo lifted the ban on the hectarage limit of banana plantations in the country.

Pilipino Banana Growers and Exporters Association (PBGEA) president Stephen Antig told Sun.Star Davao on Monday that with the growing demand for Philippine-grown cavendish bananas, it is necessary for the industry to embark on expansion programs.

At present, banana plantation of PBGEA members, composed of over 31 major banana exporting companies, is pegged at 60,000 hectares nationwide.

"Demand for (cavendish) bananas is growing worldwide, as it is now the choice of health buffs," Antig said.

The PBGEA president cited the countries of Japan, which now considers banana as a staple in every meal, China and Korea, which turns to the banana as a source of nutrition, and the Middle East, which is fast becoming accustomed to eating bananas, as the primary sources in the increase for the demand of the fruit.

Early July, the President lifted the Letter of Instruction (LOI) 58 upon the appeal made by all Regional Development Councils in Mindanao to cancel all circular or orders deemed detrimental to the business climate of Mindanao.

The LOI 58 limited the hectarage that could be planted with export-quality banana to 26,250 hectares nationwide.

Published in the Sun.Star Davao newspaper on August 4, 2009.


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