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Independent groups tapped to assess, review CARP

[ Manila Bulletin Online ] May 14, 2008
Ed Munsayac

The Congressional Oversight Committee on Agricultural and Fisheries Modernization (COCAFM) has commissioned three prestigious institutions to conduct a comprehensive assessment and review of the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP) which will expire in June 2008.

"COCAFM believes that the three independent study groups could help Congress in debates on whether or not to extend the CARP’’, Sen. Edgardo Angara who chairs both the Senate committee on agriculture and the COCAFM said.

"Should we decide to extend the program again, we’ve got to have empirical basis for it. I have no contention with agrarian reform. Land ownership is crucial to enhancing the productivity of our farmers. But how will land ownership be effective in doing this? That’s why we should reexamine how agrarian reform in the country is implemented,’’ he said.

Angara reported that the three study groups are the University of Asia and the Pacific Center for Food and Agribusiness, the University of the Philippines in Los BaƱos Foundation, Inc., and the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA).

"They have done some studies on agrarian reform int the past. I think they seem to be knowledgeable, and the advantage of having three entities to do separate and independent studies is that we will get many perspectives and insights which could be added to our debate,’’ the senator said.

The COCAFM has created a special committee composed of Senators Angara, Gregorio Honasan, Juan Miguel Zubiri, Reps. Abraham Kahlil Mitra, Salvador Escudero and Rodolfo Antonino which was empowered to commission the study groups.

Angara clarified that the special committee would not in any way and in any degree, interfere with the mandate of the standing committee on Agrarian Reform in both Houses.

Republic Act No. 6657, the "Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Law’’ instituted a Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program to promote social justice and industrialization. Republic Act 8532 of 1998 (Agrarian Reform Fund Bill) provided an additional P50 billion for CARP and extended its implementation for another 10 years.

Records at the Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR) show that, as of the end of December 2007, the Department has already distributed 3,960,255 hectares of agricultural lands to 2,296,741 agrarian reform beneficiaries (ARBs) nationwide. This accomplishment is equivalent to 77% of DAR’s land distribution scope of 5,163.751 hectares.

Under the terms of reference, the study groups will analyze the flow of budgetary resource to CATP. It will determine how CARP was implemented. It will find out, among others, what has CARP done so far. Was CARP a success or a failure? Who benefited from CARP? The group will also recommend policy measures, possible interventions and possible amendments to the law.

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